Wake Up & Roll to Snooze

Bike Streets 100: The Best Bike Destinations in Denver

Use the Bike Streets app to get a low-stress bike route to Snooze from any starting point in Denver:

Snooze is a Denver phenomenon. It’s practically synonymous with brunch in our fair city. Hop on your bike and join the masses on the weekend for an Eggs Benedict pilgrimage or, better yet, head on over during the less busy hours — early in the morning and weekdays — pop in and sip a Bloody Mary or slam some bread pudding French Toast. Denver bucket list item: check.


Ride bikes to Snooze, be healthy and happy, and make a difference.

Join the Bike Streets Club, The Denver bike transportation club for people of all ages, abilities, and backgrounds.


Go Way Back at Four Mile Historic Park


There’s Something for Everyone at Stanley Marketplace