Week 8


Bakery bliss using this this link and this code:

Answer: Detour Bakery

Winner: Nancy M.

How did you solve the clue?

I solved the clue by going back through the weeks and finding the letter from each week. Once I had Deto, I know it was Detour.

What did you enjoy about the secret destination and/or the ride over?

I was so excited to see Detour Bakery was the clue for Week 8. During the pandemic I would take a long ride as early as possible every Friday (in any weather) and would swing by Detour on my way home and pick up breakfast for my family and friends. I would drop off at people’s doors as I biked along. I haven’t been to Detour as often since returning to work and was so excited to get a chance to bike over and get breakfast. Great bakery and great supporters of bike commuting!

What’s your favorite thing (or trail!) about biking in Denver?

I love the variety of biking you can do in Denver from Urban commuting (Lowry to Auraria and Anschutz Campuses) to nature trails (Highline Canal, Sand Creek, Cherry Creek, etc.). I can bike to Green Valley Ranch, Golden, Elizabeth and Chatfield on dedicated bike trails 95% of the way. So many great places to stop along the way and it is amazing to see the different neighborhoods and communities throughout Denver from a bike.


Week 7