Our Vision: Streets Transformed By People

We led a Pride weekend group bike ride in partnership with the Denver Public Library. The vibes on group rides are joyful. It’s hard to roll 10-12 miles through your community with old and new friends at 6-8 MPH and not have a giant smile on your face. Ending at Voodoo was icing on the…donut.

Group bike rides provide a glimpse of the future we’re trying to create with the Bike Streets Club: a community organized and Strength in Numbers across the whole city.

When people are on bikes, on the same streets, and at the same time, the street is transformed. It becomes quieter and less attractive to drivers who would otherwise use it as a cut-through route. It becomes a haven for people using human power to move through their community. And this is what you experience on a casual group ride.

Now imagine that experience on a citywide scale. If we all Ride The Same Streets, we can turn this vision into reality. Every day, you get up, hop on your bike, and pass thousands of other people using their own power to go where they need to go – improving their health and the health of our community.

Those of us who are already confident on the streets can pave the way for those who aren’t yet ready to ride. If we all Ride The Same Streets, someday soon, those people in your life who want to ride bikes will feel comfortable and empowered to do it.

We’ll create a virtuous circle: as more people ride, even more people will ride, and so on and so on.

We invite you to join the Bike Streets Club and help make it happen.

And, PS, if like us, you’re stressed about climate change and the endless bad news, we hope this gives you hope. If we take action together, we can make a difference.


Surprise Adventure!


Announcing The Bike Streets Club